Summer comfort food - my favorite pasta salad

Here is one of my super comfort foods with a twist. Pasta salad is a common summer time side and is great for bar-b-ques and picnics. Just be sure to keep it cold until you are ready to serve. It can set for a day or two before serving as the flavors take hold. I prefer elbow macaroni or a shape that holds the goodie, though I have seen people use a variety of shapes. And, as usual you can use gluten free pasta. I like Ancient Harvest quinoa pasta the best.
6 cups cooked pasta of choice
3 hard boiled eggs - chopped
1 large can black olives - drained and chopped
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 T chopped red onion
1/2 cup Fresh herbs - I used italian and curly parsley, chives and dill in the one I made last weekend.
I've used spinach and arugula in the past as the 'green' element. Whatever is FRESH. I don't use dried herbs in this recipe if I can help it.
1/2 cup mayo or to your liking. As with most dips and salad that call for mayo, this is the 'binding'. You need just enough to mix things all together and can add more if you like it creamy.
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 t red pepper flakes
1/2 t garlic powder

Cook, chop and mix in order. Let set at least a few hours before serving.


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